The first person in the history of Harvard University to hold tenured appointments at both Harvard Law School (HLS) and Harvard Business School (HBS), Guhan Subramanian is a consummate educator, dealmaker, and leader. As the chair of the Program on Negotiation, he spearheads negotiation and mediation training programs for the more than 3,000 professionals who … Read About Guhan Subramanian, Chair, PON Executive Committee
Max Bazerman is a leader in the fields of decision making, negotiation, and behavioral ethics. He has consulted, taught, and lectured in 30 countries, and is the author, co-author, or co-editor of 20 books and more than 200 research articles and chapters, including Negotiation Genius. … Read About Max Bazerman, PON Executive Committee
Gabriella Blum is a member of the Program on Negotiation Executive Committee, faculty director of the Program on International Law and Armed Conflict, and co-director of the Harvard Law School/Brookings Project on Law and Security. She is widely published in the fields of public international law and the law and morality of war, and is … Read About Gabriella Blum, PON Executive Commitee
Hannah Riley Bowles is a leading expert on how gender influences pay negotiations and, more broadly, on negotiation as a micro-mechanism of inequality. She has been actively involved in negotiation and conflict management training, practice, and research for more than 25 years, having worked for the governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, and Germany. Her current research focuses on women’s leadership … Read About Hannah Riley Bowles, PON Executive Committee
Nicole Bryant is the Managing Director of the Program on Negotiation and member of PON’s Executive Committee. She joined PON in 2021, bringing to the position a proven track record of successful management and growth of large-scale continuing education programming in an international context. At PON, she oversees the activities of the staff and supports … Read About Nicole Bryant, PON Executive Commitee
A recipient of support from the National Science Foundation, Jared Curhan specializes in the psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution. Notably, he has pioneered a social psychological approach to the study of “subjective value” in negotiation—that is, the social, perceptual, and emotional consequences of a negotiation. Deeply committed to education at all levels, Curhan received … Read About Jared Curhan, PON Executive Committee
An expert on managing difficult negotiations, Sheila Heen is the Thaddeus R. Beal Professor of Practice at Harvard Law School, Deputy Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project, and a founder of Triad Consulting. Her corporate clients have included Pixar, Hugo Boss, the NBA, the Federal Reserve Bank, to name a few. She often partners with … Read About Sheila Heen, PON Executive Committee
Alain Lempereur supports “responsible negotiation” worldwide through research, executive trainings and consulting. He has published a dozen books, including The First Move: A Negotiator’s Companion, which has been translated into a dozen languages, and he has contributed to over 100 articles and book chapters. His research develops the “responsible negotiation” framework, and how to apply … Read About Alain Lempereur, PON Executive Committee
Deepak Malhotra teaches negotiation in a wide variety of executive programs including the Advanced Management Program, the Owner/President Management Program, Changing the Game, Strategic Negotiation, and Families in Business. He is the author (with Max Bazerman) of the new book Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and … Read About Deepak Malhotra, PON Executive Committee
Mandell has been teaching public policy, international conflict resolution, and negotiation for 30 years. He has established himself as a preeminent teacher and curriculum designer at the Harvard Kennedy School, where he leads an innovative, intensive annual workshop course on advanced multiparty negotiation and conflict resolution. He refined his case teaching methods in international affairs … Read About This Member
A leading scholar in the field of conflict resolution, Robert Mnookin has applied his interdisciplinary approach to negotiation and conflict resolution to a remarkable range of problems, both public and private. He is a member of the CPR Institute’s National Panel of Distinguished Neutrals and has resolved a large number of complex disputes. He has … Read About Robert Mnookin, PON Executive Committee
An authority on complex negotiations, James Sebenius has advanced the field in the academic realm, in the public and diplomatic sectors, and the business world; outside Harvard, he has worked full-time in the U.S. Commerce and State Departments as well as at the Blackstone Group. … Read About This Member
As one of the founders of the Program on Negotiation, Lawrence Susskind has delivered specialized negotiation and mediation training to more than 40,000 executives from around the world. A visiting lecturer at more than 50 universities in 20 countries, including Harvard and Stanford Law Schools, he has published more than 70 teaching simulations and a … Read About This Member
Understanding how to arrange the meeting space is a key aspect of preparing for negotiation. In this video, Professor Guhan Subramanian discusses a real world example of how seating arrangements can influence a negotiator’s success. This discussion was held at the 3 day executive education workshop for senior executives at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.
Guhan Subramanian is the Professor of Law and Business at the Harvard Law School and Professor of Business Law at the Harvard Business School.