Next Generation Grants

The Program on Negotiation’s Next Generation Grants Program supports research in negotiation and conflict resolution by non-tenured faculty and doctoral students. Faculty and students from any school or department within PON’s inter-university consortium (Harvard, MIT, Tufts Fletcher School) may apply. Post-doctoral students with a formal affiliation to Harvard or one of our consortium schools are also welcome to apply.

Awards will be for specific research projects, not for general student support or tuition payments. Doctoral student grants are limited to $5,000. Non-tenured, tenure-track faculty grants are limited to $10,000, of which no more than $5,000 should be for personnel. Scholars may request funding to cover direct costs for research such as subject compensation, remuneration for required support personnel, travel costs for data collection, transcription, project specific software, and other direct research expenses. (These funds are not for faculty salary support or travel to present research.)

Successful proposals should outline research that will lead to journal publication in the leading outlets of the discipline of the author. PON’s goal is to support new scholarship, with specific focus on the next generation of scholars in negotiation and conflict resolution.

Proposals will be reviewed twice a year. Application deadlines for academic year 2024-2025 are Tuesday, October 22, 2024 and Tuesday, April 8, 2025. PON has the goal to make decisions within one month after the deadline.

For application instructions, please click here.

2023-2024 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Samantha Lakin, UMass
“Under Influence: Intoxication, Coping, and Use/Abuse Among UN Peacekeepers in Three Missions in Africa”
Julia Minson, Harvard Kennedy School
“Beyond Extremity: Underestimating the ideological complexity of outgroup members’ opinions drives intergroup hostility.”
Aminata Ndow, Harvard University
“The Negotiated Path: Gambia’s Journey from Dictatorship to Democracy and Transitional Justice”
Emily Silcock, Harvard University
“Killing for Peace: Peace Processes and Conflict Dynamics”
Laura Changlan Wang, MIT
“Signaling Negotiability: for Better or For Worse?”

2022-2023 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Bushra Guenoun, Harvard Business School
Abdullah Almaatouq, MIT
Haggai Porat, Harvard Law School
“Bargaining with Algorithms: A Field Experiment on Uber”

2021-2022 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Andi Zhou, Harvard University, Department of Government
“Power and Permanence: The Psychology of Territorial Nationalism”

2020-2021 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Alexandra McAuliff
Matthew Cashman, Fletcher
“The Good Friday Agreement and the limits of inclusion: A structural rethinking of peace negotiations”
Julia Minson, MIT, Neuroceonomics Lab
“Species’ ability to cooperate is a cornerstone of our success”
Ben Tappan, Harvard Kennedy School (Faculty)

2019-2020 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
David Sulewski, UMass Boston, Global Governance and Human Security
“Psychology to Understand U.S. and Chinese Public Diplomacy”
Olivia Woldemikael, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government (Political Science)
“Status and Solidarity: Explanations of Public Opinion towards Forced Migrants in the Developing World”
Sean Paul Ashley, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government
“Fighting Rebels, Killing Civilians: Explaining Mass Killing in Africa”
Molly Moore, Harvard Kennedy School, Public Policy
“The social signaling value of selective exposure”

2018-2019 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Yasmin Bijani, MIT, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning
“Making Room for Deliberation and Negotiation in Transboundary Water Management in the Eastern Nile River Basin”
Bradley DeWees, Harvard Kennedy School
“Ambiguity, Social Pressure, and Successful Negotiations”
Austin Strange, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government
“Negotiating Authoritarian Trade Doctrine: Evidence from Late Imperial China”
Sean Paul Ashley, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government
“Fighting Rebels, Killing Civilians: Explaining Mass Killing in Africa”
David Ifkovits, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government
“Perceived Unity and Partisan Polarization”
Theodore Johnson, Brandeis, Heller School, Faculty
“Intersectionality and Conflict Resolution”
Jennifer Logg, Harvard Business School, Negotiation, Organizations & Markets Unit
“Everybody argues and everybody wins: Overestimation of success and the joy of self-expression as drivers of debate”
Gali Racabi, Harvard Law School
“The New-York Drivers’ Guild – Negotiating Voice and Power Outside the Employee Status”
Chiara Trombini, Harvard Kennedy School, Research Fellow
“Gender in Negotiation: The Role of Negative Affective States and Potential”
Ariella Kristal, Harvard Business School, Organizational Behavior
Samantha Lakin, Clark, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, History
“Convening Justice: A Comparative Study of Stakeholder Negotiations on Transitional Justice Policy in Rwanda and the African Union”
Christopher Umphres, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government (Public Policy)
“Sunk costs and social sanctions”
Naima Green-Riley, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government (International Relations)
“How States Make Friends and Influence People Overseas: Using Applications of Political”

2017-2018 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Chiara Trombini, , Harvard Kennedy School, Women and Public Policy
“Self-affirmation as an Intervention to Alleviate Gender Differences in Negotiation”
Martha Jeong, Harvard Business School, Organizational Behavior
“How does interpersonal warmth affect outcomes in a distributive negotiation?”
Meirav Furth-Matzkin & Roseanna Sommers, Harvard Law School
“Making Room for Deliberation and Negotiation in Transboundary Water Management in the Eastern Nile River Basin”

2016 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Karen Huang, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Philosophy
Heather Kulp, Harvard Law School
“Theory of Power in Negotiation”
Julia Minson & Charles Dorison, Harvard Kennedy School (Faculty)
“Fighting Fire with Fire: Harnessing Specific Negative Emotion to Overcome Barriers to Receptiveness”
Julia Minson & Frances Chen, Harvard Kennedy School/University of British Columbia
“’Why won’t you listen to me?’ Measuring receptiveness to opposing views”
Christopher Celaya, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Government
Meirav Furth-Matzkin, Harvard Law School
“Conformity or Reactance: Judgment and Decision-Making under Conflict between Social Norms and Individual Convictions”
Benjamin Spatz, Fletcher
“Bullets, Banks and Borders: How Targeted Sanctions Can Alter the Political Power Landscape in Sanctioned States”

2014-2015 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
George Yin, Harvard University
Andrew Taffer, Fletcher School
Leslie John, Harvard Business School
Tyler Jost, Harvard Kennedy School
Tina Robiolle-Moul, Fletcher School
Dana Wolf, Harvard Law School

2013-2014 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Syon Bhanot & Chaning Jang, Harvard Kennedy School/University of Hawaii
Shayak Sarkar, Harvard University
Rebecca Tapscott & Deval Desai, Fletcher School/Harvard Law School
Christopher Williams, Fletcher School
Vera Mironova, GRF

2012-2013 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Paola Cecchi-Dimeglio, Harvard Law School and Harvard Kennedy School
Pinar Fletcher, Harvard Business School
Ovul Sezer, Harvard Business School/Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Richard Thurber, Fletcher School of Diplomacy
Netta Barak-Corren, Harvard Law School
Michael Baskin, Fletcher School of Diplomacy
Christine Ma-Kellams, Harvard Kennedy School
Aditi Mehta, MIT
Maliheh Paryavi, Harvard
Bruno Verdini, MIT

2012 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Jooa Julia Lee, Harvard Kennedy School
Matthew Ranson, Harvard Kennedy School
Syon Bhanot, Harvard Kennedy School
Ting Zhang, Harvard Kennedy School
Liz McClintock, Tufts

2011 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Sreemati Mitter, Harvard University
Plamen Nikolov, Harvard University

2010 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Keith M. Marzilli, Ericson and Andreas Fuster
Jonathan Renshon, Harvard University, Department of Government
Katherine Baldiga
Nour Kteily
Johanna Mollerstrom

2009 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Lakshmi Balanchandra, Boston College Carroll School of Management
Kimberly Howe, Tufts Fletcher School of Diplomacy
Ivan RasmussenTufts Fletcher School of Diplomacy

2008 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Lisa L. Shu, Harvard Business School
Allison Binns, Harvard University, Department of Sociology

2007 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Todd Rogers, Harvard Business School
Carmit Tadmor
Kurt Gray, Harvard University, Department of Psychology

2006 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Antonia Atanassova
Erik Nielsen
Eugene Caruso Harvard University, Department of Psychology

2005 Program on Negotiation Next Generation Grant Recipients
Todd Rogers, Harvard University, Department of Psychology
Eugene Caruso, Harvard University, Department of Psychology
Colin Fisher, Harvard University, Department of Psychology
Fiona Greig, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Karim Kassam, Harvard University, Department of Psychology
Bharat (Ben) Shenoy, Harvard University, Department of Psychology