Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is a deliberative process between two or more actors that seek a solution to a common issue or who are bartering over an item of value. Negotiation skills include the range of negotiation techniques negotiators employ to create value and claim value in their dealmaking business negotiations and beyond. Negotiation skills can help you make deals, solve problems, manage conflicts, and build relationships as well as preserve relationships. Negotiation skills can be learned with conscious effort and should be practiced once learned.

Negotiation training includes the range of activities and exercises negotiators undertake to improve their skills and techniques. Role-play simulations developed from real-world research and negotiation case studies, negotiation training provides benefits for teams and individuals seeking to create and claim more value in their negotiations.

The right skills allow you to maximize the value of your negotiated outcomes by effectively navigating the negotiation process from setup to commitment to implementation.

The Program on Negotiation’s Executive Education negotiation training programs include Negotiation and Leadership: Dealing with Difficult People and Problems, the Harvard Negotiation Master Class, and the Harvard Mediation Intensive.

This training allows negotiators to:

  • Acquire a systematic framework for analyzing and understanding negotiation
  • Assess and heighten awareness of your strengths and weaknesses as a negotiator
  • Learn how to create and maximize value in negotiations
  • Gain problem-solving techniques for distributing value fairly while strengthening relationships
  • Develop skills to deal with difficult negotiators and hard-bargaining tactics
  • Learn how to match the process to the context
  • Discover how effectively to manage and coordinate across and behind-the-table negotiations
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Bet you didn’t know…When learning is the best goal of all

PON Staff   •  08/15/2013   •  Filed in Negotiation Skills

Abundant negotiation research suggests that negotiators are better off setting specific, challenging goals rather than vague “I’ll do my best” goals. In a new study, Kevin Tasa of York University in Toronto and his colleagues take a first look at whether it’s better to focus your specific goals on the negotiation process or on its … Learn More About This Program

Find the Right Leadership Voice

Jeswald Salacuse   •  08/02/2013   •  Filed in Negotiation Skills

When the poet Walt Whitman wrote, “Surely, whoever speaks to me in the right voice, him or her shall I follow,” he conveyed the notion that persuasive communication is fundamental to effective leadership. Whitman’s words also underscore the importance of shaping leadership communications to meet individual concerns, interests, and styles.

When deciding how to communicate, recognize … Read Find the Right Leadership Voice

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School: Three Decades of Scholarship and Practice

PON Staff   •  07/24/2013   •  Filed in Negotiation Skills

Founded in 1983, the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is a pioneer in the fields of negotiation, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution.

In commemoration of the program’s 30th anniversary this year, the Program on Negotiation is proud to present a video describing many of PON’s various educational and research activities.

According to Chair Robert Mnookin, … Learn More About This Program

Beyond the Bottom Line

PON Staff   •  06/14/2013   •  Filed in Negotiation Skills

What do people value when they negotiate?

Research by Professors Jared R. Curhan and Heng Xu of MIT’s Sloan School of Management and Hillary Anger Elfenbein of Berkeley’s Haas School of Business provides useful insights concerning this basica question.

Using survey data collected from everyday negotiators and filtering it through a sorting procedure conducted by negotiation … Read Beyond the Bottom Line

Congratulations to the Harvard Law School Class of 2013

PON Staff   •  05/30/2013   •  Filed in Negotiation Skills

Congratulations to the graduates of Harvard Law School’s Class of 2013 and appreciation to Harvard University President Drew Gilpin Faust at today’s graduation events for recognizing the Program on Negotiation’s Confronting Evil Conference, cosponsored by the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard and the Volkswagen Foundation, as one of the many ways HLS seeks to solve … Learn More About This Program

2013 Winner of the Raiffa Doctoral Student Paper Award

PON Staff   •  05/20/2013   •  Filed in Awards, Grants, and Fellowships, Negotiation Skills

The Program on Negotiation has awarded Netta Barak-Corren the 2013 Howard Raiffa Doctoral Student Paper Award for her paper, co-written with Edy Glozman and Ilan Yaniv, “False Negotiations: The Art & Science of Not Reaching an Agreement.” Ms. Barak-Corren is an LLM candidate at Harvard Law School.



About the Award:
The annual prize of $1000 is awarded … Learn More About This Program

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