Negotiation skills are a critical, although often overlooked, aspect of water management, especially in situations where water crosses boundaries. Conflicts arise when water is managed as a fixed or scarce resource, and allocated in a way that assumes some parties will gain while others lose. In a recent blog post, Professor Lawrence Susskind examines how negotiation training can help water professionals develop a “value-creating” approach to negotiation, and find new solutions to cross-boundary disputes.
Lawrence Susskind is Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; author of Built to Win; co-author of Breaking Robert’s Rules and Breaking the Impasse.
Read Professor Susskind’s blog post
Negotiation is a mixture of art and science. The art comes from experience – the more you negotiate, the better you become. The science lies in understanding a few basic truths about negotiations and using them to guide you in your efforts.In negotiation everyone should remember that balance is the key,Do remember that there are no winners, Do not take things personally, Know when to say “no”, Do not be afraid to ask.