With rising political instability in its surrounding environment, Israel will have to adapt its foreign policy to deal with new strategic challenges, Dr. Ehud Eiran, a faculty affiliate of PON’s Middle East Negotiation Initiative, noted in a recent ynetnews article. Challenges facing Israel include the difficulties that come with weaker border control and the risk that nearby regimes will pursue armed action against Israel in an effort to enhance their public legitimacy.
Dr. Eiran suggests that Israel needs to develop a “new frame of reference” in its relationship to neighboring countries. A shift in focus should take place away from “military and political elites to an effort to follow and study wider societal forces.” Most importantly, cooperation should be expanded with countries that share similar strategic concerns. Recent events in Syria, for example, may generate increased willingness on the part of both Israel and Turkey to continue negotiations begun last fall. If this alliance is strengthened, both countries may be better able to act collaboratively in responding to the new regional challenges.
Read the full Op-Ed here.
For more articles and Op-Eds written by Dr. Eiran, click here.
For more information on the Middle East Negotiation Initiative, click here.