Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations: What Is Next?

Event Date: Thursday October 13, 2011
Time: 12:15 PM
Location: Pound Hall #200 (Corcoran Classroom) HLS Campus

“From Madrid to New York, from bilateral to unilateral: 20 years of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations – what is next?”

Date: October 13, 2011

Time: 12:15 PM

Where: Pound Hall #200 (Corcoran Classroom), Harvard Law School Campus

Brown Bag Lunch (dessert and drinks will be provided)

Click here for a campus map.

About the Speaker

Academic, writer, practitioner and veteran negotiator, Dr. Ron Pundak is perhaps best known for his decisive role in creating the secret track of the unofficial Oslo negotiations at the beginning of 1993.   Pundak subsequently served as a member of the official Israeli negotiating team in the later stage of the Oslo Process, which culminated in the historic signing of the Declaration of Principles in Washington on September 13, 1993.

Dr. Pundak also participated in numerous Israeli-Palestinian Track II forums related to the “final status” issues, and in 1994 and 1995 was part of the small team which negotiated the so-called “Beilin-Abu Mazen Understanding,” which provided a blueprint for agreement on all final status issues utilized in the Camp David II, Clinton Parameters, and Taba Negotiations. He participated in drafting the Geneva Initiative and serves as a Steering Committee member.  Currently, Ron Pundak is the chair of the Israeli Peace NGOs Forum and the co-chair of the Palestinian-Israeli Peace NGO Forum. The joint Forum consists of some 100 organization, all working on bilateral projects to foster peace.

From 2001 to 2011, Dr. Pundak served as Director General of the Peres Center for Peace, the largest Israeli organization dealing with Israeli-Arab peace.  Prior to joining the Peres Center, he was the Executive Director of the Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF), an Israeli think-tank dealing with various political and economic issues related to the Arab-Israeli peace process.

Dr. Pundak holds a Ph.D. in Middle Eastern political history from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). He has published numerous academic articles and a book entitled “The Struggle for Sovereignty”, which details Jordanian history during the years 1946 through 1951. Pundak worked briefly as a journalist and continues to contribute op-ed articles to the Israeli and international press.


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