Jeswald W. Salacuse (Henry J. Baker Professor of Law; former Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; author of The Global Negotiator and Seven Secrets for Negotiating with Government
Most of us see negotiation as a one-on-one encounter, but bringing in outside help can make your negotiations more effective. In this article, Jeswald Salacuse explains how a third party can help you influence other people’s behavior using five powerful techniques.
I agree using third parties can be helpful. Using “Incentives” and “pressures” is a common type of “push” behaviour in negotiations which can help you get more of what you want, and referring to a third party can magnify the impact of the “reward” or “coercion”.
The other kinds of situation referred to here are also those where use of a third party gives you more bargaining power. “Expertise” is an acknowledged source of bargaining power. So is “network power” – the ability to access your contacts to deliver value to the other side. Using third parties to give you “credibility” or using their “relationships” on your behalf are both examples of using “network power” to deliver value and get what you want in return.