Introducing a new way to go in-depth when teaching the most important negotiation concepts and to measure learning outcomes.
If you are new to teaching negotiation or are looking to go in-depth on teaching key concepts, the All-In-One Curriculum Package will provide you with everything you need. The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center has created All-In-One Curriculum Packages for some of our most popular simulations. The All-In-One Curriculum Package makes it easy to teach negotiation, track learning outcomes, and includes materials for the instructor as well as for students. The comprehensive instructor’s guide details how to run the exercise, the negotiation concepts taught in the simulation, and includes additional optional assignments for students; the pre and post-negotiation surveys track students’ understanding of the key concepts before and after the simulation; and the class presentation includes notes for instructors on how to teach concepts and debrief the exercise.
Materials include:
- Instructor’s Guide – Guide for instructors on negotiation concepts, simulation logistics, and debriefing simulation participants.
- Instructor Background Reading List – List of background readings for instructors to complete before using the simulation to gain a better understanding of the negotiation concepts.
- Student Background Reading List – List of background readings for students to complete before the simulation to gain understanding of the negotiation concepts.
- Confidential Role Instructions – Confidential role-specific materials for participants in the exercise.
- Pre-Negotiation Surveys – After completing the background reading and/or presentation of the negotiation concepts, participants complete the online Pre-Negotiation Survey to benchmark their understanding of the key learning points the game is intended to teach.
- Agreement Outcome Form – Participants reporting the results of any agreements reached in the simulation.
- Post-Negotiation Survey – After finishing the simulation, but before the debrief, participants fill out the Post-Negotiation Survey so Instructors can gauge participants understanding of the issues and concepts.
- Class PowerPoint Presentation – The first part of the PowerPoint slide deck is for the instructor to use to introduce negotiation concepts. The second part is for the instructor to use in debriefing the simulation with participants.
- Feedback Survey – At the conclusion of the exercise, participants can give feedback on the process and outcomes.
The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) offers All-In-One Curriculum Packages for the following simulations:
Sally Soprano Curriculum Package
Sally Soprano is a two-party negotiation between the agent for an opera singer and an opera house regarding a possible contract for an upcoming production. Sally Soprano is a distinguished soprano who is now somewhat past her prime. She has not had a lead role in two years but would like to revive her career. The Lyric Opera has a production scheduled to open in three weeks, but its lead soprano has become unavailable. Lyric’s representative has requested a meeting with Sally’s agent to discuss the possibility of hiring Sally for the production. Neither knows much about the other’s interests or alternatives. There is a wide range of possible outcomes. Download a free preview copy of the Sally Soprano All-In-One Curriculum Package to learn more.
Bakra Beverage Curriculum Package
Bakra Beverage is a two-party negotiation between a beverage manufacturer and a soft drink distributor over the terms of a potential distribution contract. BebsiCo is a multi-billion-dollar, multinational soft drink manufacturer interested in expanding its operations into the Middle Eastern country of Kumar. The distributor that was supposed to handle BebsiCo’s new distribution campaign, Kabir Cola, decided suddenly last week to close its Kumari operations and focus on other Middle Eastern countries. BebsiCo is eager to sign a new distribution contract with the Kumar-based Bakra Beverage, a financially troubled but reputable soft drink distributor. Bakra desperately wants this contract, which would put it back on the map, attract additional clients, and give the company the confidence and certainty about its future. In addition to the wide zone of possible agreement regarding the distribution fee, the simulation includes a range of possible criteria for determining the fee as well as numerous possibilities for value-creating options. Download a free preview copy of the Bakra Beverage All-In-One Curriculum Package to learn more.
Eazy’s Garage Curriculum Package
Eazy’s Garage is a two-party negotiation between lawyers for an auto mechanic and a customer over a disputed auto repair bill. Susan Garfield has a billing dispute with John Eazer, owner of a local garage, over some work done on Garfield’s car. Finding the bill significantly higher than the original informal estimate, Garfield angrily confronted Eazer. Eazer prepared a second bill at an even higher figure. Frustrated, Garfield returned to the garage after closing time with a spare key and drove her car home, without paying anything. Eazer turned to his child-in-law, an attorney, wishing to file a criminal complaint. When phoned, Garfield referred the attorney to her father, a senior partner in a local law firm. Garfield’s father is letting one of his young associates handle the case. This simulation deals with questions about what constitutes “success” in a negotiation: is it making the other side back down? Avoiding litigation? Getting a “fair” deal? What are the criteria for a “good” outcome in negotiation? Download a free preview copy of the Eazy’s Garage All-In-One Curriculum Package to learn more.
Parker-Gibson Curriculum Package
Parker-Gibson is a two-party, single-issue, distributive negotiation between two neighbors regarding the potential sale of a vacant lot. The Parkers and the Gibsons own homes on adjacent plots of land. The homes are separated by a 1/2 lot the Parkers purchased years ago in hopes of building a tennis court, which they never got around to. The Parkers are now moving out of state and are interested in selling the half lot, as the buyer of their home is not interested in it. The Parkers have approached the Gibsons (who have interest in the lot for home improvements they have planned) about purchasing the lot. Neither party knows much about the other’s interests. The Parkers and Gibsons are meeting to explore whether a mutually beneficial transaction is possible. Concepts of “fair prices” often surface in post-negotiation discussions. If participants do not take a “principled” approach to the negotiation, one side or the other often feels “taken,” especially when other players with the same role appear to do better. The advantages and disadvantages of making the first offer can be explored, as well as techniques for doing so. Download a free preview copy of the Parker-Gibson All-In-One Curriculum Package to learn more.
Three-Party Coalition Curriculum Package
Three-Party Coalition is a short, three-party scoreable negotiation among representatives of three organizations over the integrative and distributive aspects of a possible two or three-party coalition. Three independent organizations, “A,” “B” and “C,” have sent representatives to a three-way negotiation. The representatives have learned that there are benefits to working together. If all three groups reach an agreement, benefits totaling 121 points will be split three ways (to be determined by the participants). If only two of the organizations reach an agreement, the total benefits to be split will be less than 121 (varying, depending on which two organizations join together) and the third party will be left with nothing. The concept of BATNA can be examined, since each participant has the information needed to calculate the expected value of various deals. The power of seemingly “weak” roles can be enhanced through the creation of blocking coalitions. Download a free preview copy of the Three-Party Coalition All-In-One Curriculum Package to learn more.
Harborco Curriculum Package
Harborco is a six-party, multi-issue, scoreable negotiation involving a port developer, labor union, environmental coalition, other regional ports, governor’s office, and the federal department of coastal resources on whether to build a new deep-water port. The Harborco All-In-One Curriculum Package includes an additional (optional) facilitator role instructors can use in all, or only some learning groups to illustrate how a facilitator can assist multiple negotiators dealing with complex issues, spoilers and pressures of time.
Harborco is a consortium of development, industrial, and shipping concerns interested in building and operating a deepdraft port. It has already selected a site for the port, but cannot proceed without a license from the Federal Licensing Agency (FLA). The FLA is willing to grant Harborco a license, but only if it secures the support of at least 4 of 5 other parties: the environmental coalition, the federation of labor unions, a consortium of other ports in the region, the Federal Department of Coastal Resources (DCR), and the Governor of the host state. The parties have several issues to negotiate before deciding whether or not to approve the port, including the types of industries that will be be permitted to locate near the port, the extent to which environmental damage be mitigated, the extent to which organized labor will be given preference in hiring during construction and operation of the port, the amount of any federal financial assistance to Harborco, and the amount of any compensation to other ports in the region for potential economic losses. Download a free preview copy of the Harborco All-In-One Curriculum Package to learn more.
MedLee Curriculum Package
MedLee is a two-party, four-issue negotiation between representatives of two companies with different national and corporate cultures regarding a possible joint venture. MedDevice, a U.S.-based Fortune 500 company that manufactures high technology medical equipment, and Lee Medical Supply, a small Thailand-based company that distributes medical equipment in Southeast Asia, seek to conclude a joint venture. The venture, to be named MedLee, Ltd., will take the form of a Bangkok sales office that distributes MedDevice brand medical equipment. The CEOs have met and signed a Memorandum of Understanding. They have now instructed their subordinates (Pat Armstrong, the Director of International Strategic Market Research at MedDevice, and T.S. Lee, the Vice President and son of the owner of Lee Medical Supply) to conduct preliminary negotiations on four issues they consider central to the joint venture: decision making, staffing, profit distribution, and a conflict resolution mechanism. MedDevice and Lee Medical Supply differ greatly in their corporate cultures, which are shaped by their national cultures and the demands of their respective industries. MedDevice, a publicly traded company in a highly regulated industry, is rule-oriented, efficient, structured, data driven, and merit-based. Lee Medical Supply, a family-owned and operated company, places a high value on relationships and family loyalty, and favors informal consensus arrangements over rules. The respective negotiators must develop a way for companies with such divergent cultures to work together. Download a free preview copy of the MedLee All-In-One Curriculum Package to learn more.
The All-In-One Curriculum Package provides everything you need to teach the negotiation concepts for that simulation and gauge the learning outcomes of students. The package costs $5 per copy (a copy is required for every student participating in the class) and has a minimum purchase requirement of ten copies.
Take your training to the next level with the TNRC
The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center offers a wide range of effective teaching materials, including
- Over 250 negotiation exercises and role-play simulations
- Critical case studies
- Enlightening periodicals
- More than 30 videos
- 100-plus books
TNRC negotiation exercises and teaching materials are designed for educational purposes. They are used in college classroom settings or corporate training settings; used by mediators and facilitators seeking to introduce their clients to a process or issue; and used by individuals who want to enhance their negotiation skills and knowledge.
Negotiation exercises and role-play simulations introduce participants to new negotiation and dispute resolution tools, techniques and strategies. Our videos, books, case studies, and periodicals are also a helpful way of introducing students to key concepts while addressing the theory and practice of negotiation and conflict management.
Which negotiation exercises have helped you? Let us know in the comments.
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