Have you planned your curriculum and purchased your teaching material for next semester?
We’re here to help you find the best negotiation exercises and teaching aids for your negotiation classes.
The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) is your one-stop shop for negotiation exercises, role-play simulations and teaching videos. Whether you’re teaching a new course in negotiation or refreshing an existing curriculum, the TNRC has your needs covered.
To help you plan your semester we’ve assembled the best role-plays and videos the TNRC has to offer.
- Sally Soprano – Two-party integrative negotiation between agents for an opera singer and an opera house regarding a possible contract for an upcoming production.
- Harborco – Six-party, multi-issue, scoreable negotiation among representatives of a port developer, labor union, environmental coalition, other regional ports, governor’s office, and department of coastal resources over a proposal to build a new deep-water port.
- Powerscreen – Two-party integrative negotiation between the lawyers for business partners concerning the ownership of a new computer program one of them has developed.
- Oil Pricing Exercise – Two-team, scoreable, multiple round, “prisoner’s dilemma”-style negotiation between representatives of two countries over the monthly price for barrels of oil.
- Parker-Gibson – Two-party, single-issue distributive negotiation between two neighbors regarding the potential sale of a vacant lot.
- Bakra Beverage – Two-party, nonscorable negotiation between a beverage manufacturer and a soft drink distributor over the terms of a potential distribution contract.
- Tendley Contract – Two-party integrative contract negotiation between a computer consultant and a school district representative at an apparent impasse over different expectations over cost of services.
- Bullard Houses – Two-party, multi-issue real estate negotiation between representatives for a buyer and seller.
- Three Party Coalition Exercise – Short three-party scoreable negotiation among representatives of three organizations over the integrative and distributive aspects of a possible 2- or 3-party coalition.
- Casino – Two-party intra-organizational discussion between a newly-promoted manager and her division vice-president over work performance, responsibility for a new computer game project, and office environment issues.
- Camp Lemonnier – This two party, three hour, non-scoreable negotiation is between the U.S. Defense Attaché and the Djiboutian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs over the potential lease renewal for a key strategic military base.
- Rose Lane – This two-party, email-based, multi-issue issue negotiation deals with a dispute between neighbors over one sharing their home on a home-sharing website, and having difficult conversations in relationships with low trust.
- Euro-Idol – A four-party, two-round international business negotiation over the selection of the host country and city for the upcoming Euro-Idol music competition where cities must bid to host, and therefore gain the economic benefits that come with such a large event.
- Managing the Micronium Mess – This seven-party, eight role, mediated negotiation provides students with the opportunity to negotiate a multi-party agreement regarding a fictitious, potentially harmful substance called “Micronium.”
- Pearl River – A facilitated, multi-issue negotiation simulation for eight or nine participants about the management of five dams in the hypothetical Pearl River basin.
- Hackerstar
- Saving The Last Dance
- Negotiation Pedagogy Series: Part I, Part II, and Part III
- Lawyers & Clients
- Caitlin’s Challenge
- Mediators at Work Series: Breach Of Warranty and Termination Tempest
- Rebuilding the World Trade Center Site
- Hans Brandt
- Great Negotiator Series: Lakhdar Brahimi, Stuart Eizenstat and Richard Holbrooke
- Cross-Cultural Negotiation: What Is There To Teach About?
- Appellate Mediation – Brendon Ishikawa and Dana Curtis
- What Works– Iris Bohnet
- Negotiating the Impossible – Deepak Malhotra
- Negotiating the Nonnegotiable – Daniel Shapiro
- Managing Climate Risks in Coastal Communities – Lawrence Susskind, Danya Rumore, Carri Hulet, Patrick Field
- Tommy Koh And The United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement: Great Negotiator Series – A Case: Describes the underlying reasons for Singapore’s desire to reach a free trade agreement with the United States and the barriers to that agreement. B Case: Examines the various barriers and fronts of the negotiation following both nations’ support for the initiation of negotiations on a USSFTA.
- A Green Victory Against Great Odds, But Was It Too Little Too Late? – An intimate view into the fierce battle among major US nonprofit environmental groups, Members of Congress, and industry over energy policy in 2007.
- Negotiating About Pandas for San Diego Zoo – A three-part case study concerning Douglas Myers, Executive Director of San Diego Zoo, and his efforts to seek two giant pandas from their only source on the planet: China.
Take your training to the next level with the TNRC
The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center offers a wide range of effective teaching materials, including
TNRC negotiation exercises and teaching materials are designed for educational purposes. They are used in college classroom settings or corporate training settings; used by mediators and facilitators seeking to introduce their clients to a processor issue, and used by individuals who want to enhance their negotiation skills and knowledge.
Negotiation exercises and role-play simulations introduce participants to new negotiation and dispute resolution tools, techniques and strategies. Our videos, books, case studies, and periodicals are also a helpful way of introducing students to key concepts while addressing the theory and practice of negotiation and conflict management.
Which negotiation exercises have helped you? Let us know in the comments.
Check out all that the TNRC has in store >>
Originally published in 2015 but updated often.
Hello , i am looking for training materials and exercise on Classroom negotiations . Where can i find them ?
If you look on our site under teaching materials you will find the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center and we have many role plays and teaching materials there.
Dear all, I am preparing a seminar dealing with Meeting & Congress. For this reason I am looking for exercises, simulations and videos in negotiation this field, since I firmly believe in learning by experiencing. I do really appreciate the PON tips and materials. I attended in 2017 your PON Global Negotiation for Executives in Rome, Italy with Samuel Dinnar and I was really enthusiastic. Thank you for your precious work!
If you go to our site and look under the Teaching materials tab you will find the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center where the are many different role play that can be used to teach negotiation.
I teach negotiation skills at university in the Netherlands and would like some of the simulations you have listed. However when I select and put in shopping trolley no price is indicated.
I have forwarded your email to someone at the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center who will reach out to you.
Very nice information. Thanks for sharing such a great experience.
Thank you so much.
I teach Negotiations at the University of Washington Law School. I am looking for a role play which deals with the issues of gender disparity in negotiations. Can you help? Thanks, I really enjoy the PON postings and use them in my class.
You will find role plays in the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center on the PON site.