Negotiation Journal is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. The journal publishes articles that expand theoretical and practical knowledge in the realms of negotiation, mediation, other forms of alternative dispute resolution, and conflict resolution in general.
Content published in Negotiation Journal includes:
- reports on cutting-edge research,
- a wide range of case studies,
- teachers’ reports about what does and doesn’t work in the negotiations classroom,
- essays on best practices, and
- integrative book reviews.
The journal’s eclectic, multidisciplinary approach reinforces its reputation as an invaluable international resource for anyone interested in the practice and analysis of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution including educators, researchers, diplomats, lawyers, business leaders, labor negotiators, government officials, and mediators.
Please visit the journal website to find out more about the journal; submit an article; review tables of contents, abstracts, and author guidelines; and read the Spring 2020 issue (available without a subscription).
For additional information or for queries about possible article topics, please contact Negotiation Journal’s managing editor, Silvia Glick, at njournal@law.harvard.edu.