Business and Commercial Role-Play:

Development Dispute at Menehune Bay


Lawrence Susskind, Thomas Dinell, and Vicki Shook

Six-party, multi-issue, facilitated negotiation of a dispute over environmental issues, native rights, and commercial development interests in Hawaii


Please note: you must order a copy (a.k.a. license/usage fee) for every person participating in the simulation in your course. This simulation has multiple roles, so you will be unable to complete your purchase without meeting the minimum quantity requirement of copies per role.

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The Queen Malia Estate has entered into an agreement with the Elima Iki Development Company (EIDC) for the leasing of 500 acres of land around Menehune Bay in Hawaii. EIDC is planning a world-class resort for the site – including eight hotels, two golf courses, recreational clubs, and private condominium units. The project has support from the business and construction community on the island but faces opposition from environmental groups and local residents. The Mayor has remained fairly noncommittal about the project, and feels that a number of questions must be answered before he can decide on the proposal. He has invited designated representatives from the six groups most interested in the project to serve on a Special Advisory Committee, indicating that if five of the six groups can reach an agreement, he will go along with their recommendations.



  • Successful facilitation of mediation of land use disputes involves attention to procedural concerns. The role of the neutral in establishing procedural guidelines should be clearly understood by all parties before substantive negotiation begins.
  • It is difficult to ensure that all participants in a complex negotiation have a chance to be heard, and that the ideas expressed accumulate in a constructive fashion. One of the primary tasks of the facilitator or mediator is to ensure that an acceptable record of all discussions is kept.
  • The facilitator or mediator is responsible for making sure that the group arrives at final decisions that resolve the issues at hand. It is often as difficult to get a group of disputants to agree on a process for deciding as it is to reach an agreement.
  • Inventing new options is critical to finding a workable agreement in a complex public dispute. The line between facilitation and mediation begins to blur as the neutral facilitator takes a more active role in the invention of new options.



Available on its own or as part of the Resolving Public Disputes package



For all parties:

  • A Brief History on the Proposed Project
  • Map 1: Estate Lands
  • Map 2: The proposed Site


Role Specific:

  • Confidential Instructions for Representatives of the following groups:
  • Construction Now Hawaii
  • Development Information Association
  • Elima Iki Development Company
  • Hawaii's Friends of the Environment
  • Menehune Bay Users Association


Teacher's Package (31 pages total):

  • All of the above
  • Teaching notes



Multi-party negotiations; mediating land use disputes; aboriginal rights; environmental dispute resolution; mediation



Agenda control; Coalitions; Consensus building; Ethics, Integrative bargaining; Objective criteria



This simulation requires seven players — representatives of each of the six major interests plus a facilitator. The players should be given 30-40 minutes to read the game, and 90 minutes to negotiate. The debriefing takes at least one hour.

Development Dispute at Menehune Bay Attributes

Time required: 2-3 hours
Number of participants: 7
Teams involved: No
Agent present: None
Neutral third party present: Facilitator
Scoreable: No
Teaching notes available: Yes
Non-English version available: Japanese