Jeswald W. Salacuse
This two-hour video course is intended to teach students, legal practitioners, business executives, and government officials the essentials of international investor-state arbitration, an area of increasing concern for legal practice, business strategy, and government policy.
In the video Master Class on International Investor-State Arbitration: What is it? How Does it Work, Jeswald W. Salacuse, Distinguished Professor and Henry J. Braker Professor of Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, provides a comprehensive study of international investor-state arbitration from historical background and procedures to real world application and in-depth analysis.
This two-hour video course consists of two modules. Part one, “The Nature of Investor State Arbitration,” lays out a conceptual framework by explaining the nature of arbitration, providing appropriate historical background, situating it within the various available methods for resolving international conflicts, and high-lighting its basic elements. Part two, “ Anatomy of an Investor-State Arbitration: The Case of Aguas Argentinas,” examines a real investor-state dispute that arose as a result of Argentina’s efforts to modernize its water and sewage system by granting an international consortium of investors a concession to develop and manage the system through a company, Aguas Argentinas S.A., that they had created.
Check out this brief preview of the video:
Granting a foreign corporation or private individual the right to sue a sovereign state in an international court for acts that its government ostensibly took in the public interest is a historically novel, if not revolutionary, international method of dispute settlement. Because its operations are clothed in confidentiality, investor-state arbitration remains little known beyond a small group of specialists. The aim of this master class is to foster increased knowledge and awareness of an institution that has gained a growing role in international economic relations.
Professor Salacuse, the instructor in this master class, is both a noted scholar of international investment law and a distinguished international arbitrator who has served as president and member of international arbitration tribunals in important investor-state disputes during nearly two decades.