Papers on International Environmental Negotiation, Volume 13


Lawrence E. Susskind, William Moomaw, and Nancy J. Waters, eds.


This volume is the thirteenth in an annual series of research papers addressing a range of transboundary environmental negotiation issues. As the papers in each year's volume suggest, a number of themes recur: Is it possible for the developing nations of the South to negotiate effective with the developed nations of the North? How can such non-governmental interests as environmental NGOs, scientific bodies and multinational corporations participate meaningfully in the treaty negotiation process? How can nations be encouraged to take credible scientific information seriously when working out multilateral agreements? What can be done to increase compliance with international environmental treaties when the community of nations seems unlikely to employ economic or military sanctions against nations that fail to honor them? How can such linked concerns as economic development, international trade, private investment, security, and human rights to be included in the environmental treaty-making process?

In addition to touching on these recurring themes, this series addresses new questions: It it possible to overcome deeply rooted value conflicts at the heart of transboundary treaty negotiations? Given obstacles to global treaty enforcement, is "soft law" a reasonable alternative? Could new institutional arrangements (such as emissions trading systems or permanent mediating entities) help ensure implementation of complex multilateral agreements? Would bringing new actors in the process increase the likelihood that meaningful agreements can be reached? These questions are explored in the contexts of deep value conflicts, transboundary water disputes, women's leadership, greenhouse gas emission mitigation, transboundary movement of solid waste, and the use of soft law.

As in the other volumes in this series, the authors of the papers in this collection are current or recent advanced graduate students at MIT, Harvard and Tufts University studying international law, environmental policy-making, and conflict resolution. Many of these scholars have begun to implement their ideas in the real world by taking jobs in a wide range of countries and multilateral settings where they are being given the opportunity to test the kinds of innovations they propose in these pages.


The papers in this volume include:

  • "Deep Value Conflict and the Whaling Controversy," by Patrick Verkooijen
  • "Creating a Self-Enforcing Multilateral Agreement in the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Basin," by Jeremy Carl
  • "Reframing the Tigris-Euphrates Basin Water Dispute," by Ali Mostashari
  • "Women's Leadership for CLimate Change: Lessons from the Peace Process in Moving Negotiations Forward," by Annabel Hertz
  • "Carbon Mitigation Projects as a Tool for Environmental Initiatives and Sustainable Development," by Nichola Minott
  • "Removing the Kinks to Links: Developing a Framework for a Future Global Emissions Trading Regime," by Justin Sullivan
  • "Negotiating an Effective Multilateral Climate Change Agreement Using the Contingent Agreement Approach," by John Larsen
  • "Agreeing to Limits on trade: Addressing the Issue of the Transboundary Movement of Municipal Solid Waste," by Andres Flores Montalvo
  • "Improving Environmental Governance through Soft Law: Lessons Learned from the Bali Declaration on Forest Law and Governance in Asia," by Erik Nielsen

Papers on International Environmental Negotiation, Volume 13 Attributes

Authors: Lawrence E. Susskind, William Moomaw, and Nancy J. Waters, eds.
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: PON Books, 2004