$0.00 – $6.50
Monica Giannone and Lara SanPietro
Two-party, multi-issue issue negotiation conducted via email dealing with a dispute between neighbors over one sharing their home on a home-sharing website, and having difficult conversations in relationships with low trust.
A resident of the picturesque town of Pottenstein, Germany is frustrated with their neighbor’s listing of their home as a property on the popular home-sharing site, HomeBNB, due to the prevalence of large parties, noise pollution, and the general disruption of the formerly quiet neighborhood. The resident has been instructed by the City Council to resolve the issue within thirty days or the government will determine a resolution, with potentially far-reaching implications throughout the region.
M. Schmidt, a branch manager of a local bank, reaches out via email to their next-door neighbor, D. Harberer, about the use of their home on the popular home-sharing site, HomeBNB. Schmidt has grown increasingly frustrated by the prevalence of frequent large groups of rock climbers, who party and play music late into the night. Schmidt and Haberer will email each other to see if they can find a resolution to this conflict. For both parties, their alternatives if they are not able to find agreement with one another are not good. For Schmidt, going to the City Council would be a lose-lose outcome. If the City Council rules to restrict home sharing within the region, Schmidt is worried they will be the focal point for an angry and desperate public. If they do not restrict home sharing, they face an uncertain future: they feel sure they can’t continue to live next to the Haberers, but they also can’t afford to move. On the other hand, Haberer feels very certain that the government will rule in favor of Schmidt and increase restrictions on home sharing. If this were to happen Haberer is not sure what they would do – they’re not financially ready to retire and move to Rose Lane, but they can’t afford to sell their house.
This simulation deals with having difficult conversations via email and negotiating with very weak alternatives. Major lessons include:
- Identifying challenges related to negotiating via email and generating strategies to overcome these challenges.
- Negotiating with very weak alternatives (BATNA).
- Having difficult conversations in relationships with low trust.
Rose Lane Attributes
Time required: | 2 hours |
Numbers of participants: | 2 |
Scoreable: | No |
Teaching Notes Available: | Yes |
Neutral third party present: | No |