The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School invites you to:
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace:
Connecting the Relational Coordination Community with the Program on Negotiation Community
Thursday, September 27, 2018
1:30 – 5:00 PM
WCC 3015
Harvard Law School Campus
Cambridge, MA
No charge for participants; light refreshments provided.
Please RSVP to Diane Long at
Workshop Overview:
The aim of the workshop is to
The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present:
Entrepreneurial Negotiation
A book talk with co-authors
Lawrence Susskind
Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, MIT
Samuel Dinnar
Mediator & Consultant
Thursday, September 13, 2018
5:30 – 7:00 PM
WCC 2012
Harvard Law School Campus
Cambridge, MA
Free and open to the public.
A reception will follow the talk.
About the Book:
The great majority of startups
The mission statement of the Israeli Palestinian Negotiating Partners (IPNP) is “To increase the effectiveness of the Israeli Palestinian negotiations and dialogue process by creating a network of negotiators, developing and disseminating common negotiation tools and methodologies, and encouraging a language and constructive culture of negotiation.”
But how effective has this effort been?
James Sebenius and Shula … Read Case Study Explores Efficacy of IPNP