power in negotiations

Power in Negotiation: How Effective Negotiators Project Power at the Negotiation Table

| | Negotiation Skills

Negotiating power generally comes from one of three sources, according to Northwestern University professor Adam D. Galinsky and New York University professor Joe C. Magee. … Read This Post

anchoring effect

Dealmaking and the Anchoring Effect in Negotiations

| | Dealmaking

The following question regarding the anchoring effect was asked of Program on Negotiation faculty member and Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School professor Guhan Subramanian. … Read This Post

Women Negotiators

Challenges Facing Women Negotiators

| | Leadership Skills

On the average, women often obtain less favorable or advantageous outcomes at the bargaining table when compared with their male counterparts. … Read Challenges Facing Women Negotiators

dispute resolution

Negotiation Case Studies: Google’s Approach to Dispute Resolution

| | Dispute Resolution

Here’s a great example on how to avoid litigation by pursuing negotiation with your counterparts. In the face of antitrust charges, Google’s guiding principle for dispute resolution … Read This Post

win win bargaining

Win-Win Bargaining: Private Negotiation, Public Auction, or Both?

| | Business Negotiations

Win-win bargaining requires us to choose the right dealmaking process. News stories involving Amazon and Apple highlight the pros and cons of private negotiations, public auctions, and … Read This Post

Teach Your Students to Negotiate a Management Crisis

| | Teaching Negotiation

How do you negotiate an internal management conflict in the face of looming crisis and a deep loss of trust? In Discord at the Daily Herald, a … Read This Post

How to Manage Difficult Staff

| | Dealing with Difficult People

The question of how to manage difficult staff can often be traced back to a pernicious problem in organizations: boredom. Improving employee engagement is often the key … Read How to Manage Difficult Staff

negotiation in business

Negotiation in Business: Starbucks and Kraft’s Coffee Conflict

| | Business Negotiations

Sometimes even the best agreements arising out of negotiation in business and are liable to failure and such is the case with the dispute between food giants … Read This Post

Distributive Bargaining Strategies

Distributive Bargaining Strategies

| | Negotiation Skills

Wise negotiators recognize the value of both collaborating and competing at the bargaining table. They look for ways to increase the pie of value for all parties, … Read Distributive Bargaining Strategies

negotiation BATNA

Take your BATNA to the Next Level


If your current negotiation reaches an impasse, what’s your best outside option? Most seasoned negotiators understand the value of evaluating their BATNA, or best alternative to a … Read Take your BATNA to the Next Level

Price Anchoring

Price Anchoring 101

| | Negotiation Skills

Opening offers have a strong effect in price negotiations. The first offer typically serves as an anchor that strongly influences the discussion that follows. In research documenting … Read Price Anchoring 101

emotional expression

Negotiation Strategies: Emotional Expression at the Bargaining Table

| | Negotiation Skills

Most of the existing negotiation research on affect in negotiation has focused on emotional experience rather than on emotional expression. … Read This Post