paternalistic leadership

The following items are tagged paternalistic leadership:

Charismatic Leadership: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Posted by & filed under Leadership Skills.

Jack Welch. Lee Iacocca. Ronald Reagan. Steve Jobs. Sam Walton. These prominent leaders from the 1980s embodied a leadership style held up at the time as highly desirable and effective: charismatic leadership. Leadership trends wax and wane, and charismatic leadership has taken a back seat to less hierarchical and paternalistic leadership styles, such as participative … Read More

Paternalistic Leadership: Beyond Authoritarianism

Posted by & filed under Leadership Skills.

What’s your first reaction to the concept of paternalistic leadership? If you’re new to the concept and from an individualistic culture, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, or many European nations, you might dismiss the idea out of hand. After all, paternalism connotes top-down leadership, an outdated and exclusionary male-centered viewpoint, and strict authoritarianism. … Read Paternalistic Leadership: Beyond Authoritarianism

What Is Facilitative Leadership?

Posted by & filed under Leadership Skills.

These days, work can often feel chaotic and unfocused. Leaders and followers alike struggle to keep complex group projects moving forward in the face of seemingly insurmountable economic, technological, and logistical challenges. One tool that can help is facilitative leadership—a management strategy that empowers employees to make decisions, address conflict, and take on greater responsibility.  … Read What Is Facilitative Leadership?